September 4, 2020

Want to make a difference to families with sick children? Start a birthday fundraiser

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It’s hard for all families to stay close - but it’s even harder for families of sick children, especially those who must travel far from home for medical treatment. Our families need you, now more than ever!

Want to make a difference to families with sick children? Start a birthday fundraiser.

Birthdays celebrations are different this year. If we can’t be together to celebrate, we can work together to support families with sick children across Canada. So, instead of receiving gifts, ask your friends and family to contribute to your birthday fundraiser. Your fundraiser will help give families a place to stay together when they must travel for their sick child’s treatment.

Getting started is easy

  1. Visit  to start your fundraiser or launch a Facebook fundraiser, select “Ronald McDonald House Charities Canada” from the charity menu to get started.
  2. Call on the support of family and friends to contribute by sharing your fundraiser on your social media channels, by email and through offline requests
  3. Pin a tail, eat cake and enjoy your virtual celebration! 
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Tips for making your birthday fundraiser a success

Set an achievable goal for how much money you want to raise
Choose a fundraising goal that is realistic for you and your family & friends to raise. A realistic goal keeps you and your virtual party-goers motivated!

Make your birthday the fundraiser deadline
Setting a deadline will inspire your donors to respond faster to your fundraiser. And using your birthday as the deadline will create a natural reminder for your friends and family to donate. 

Use social media to share your fundraiser
Social media is an easy and effective way to share your fundraiser with your friends, family and followers. Share an inspiring message or story as to why you are doing a birthday fundraiser to help turn followers into donors.

Don’t forget to share your fundraiser offline, too
Write a personal email message, sent a text or talk face-to-face with your friends and family about your fundraiser and why fundraising for RMHC is meaningful to you.

Remember to say thanks!
Make your donors feel good about giving to a cause you care about and supporting you on your special day! Saying thank you is also a really great opportunity to tell your donors about the difference they are making for families with sick children.