Man and woman with baby in the centre Man and woman with baby in the centre
The Henderin Family, RMHC Southwestern Ontario


Keeping families of sick children together and close to the care they need.

When families learn their child is sick and must be hospitalized, life as they know it changes overnight. Families embark on what is an often unexpected and difficult journey full of uncertainty, worry, fear and hope.

Most Canadians don't live near a children's hospital

65% of Canadians live outside of a city with a children’s hospital. So, if their child gets sick, families must travel long distances for their child to receive medical treatment. Families are forced to leave their homes, families, jobs and community support at a time when they need them the most, often causing significant emotional and financial stress.

When the unimaginable happens, RMHC is there.

The Hiller family

“…being able to have our oldest son with us and remain as a family during a time you’re so grateful for loved ones warms my heart. Being able to make this a family fight has made us stronger”. 

– The Hillier family, stayed 68 nights at RMHC Southwestern Ontario

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A home to stay at

RMHC’s 33 programs across Canada provide families with a home to stay together, close to their sick child in hospital, where they can sleep, enjoy home cooked meals, do laundry, be supported by other families, and receive the care that can help make their journey a little easier.

Learn more about our programs
Easing the financial burden

Travelling long distances means needing to pay out-of-pocket for lodging, food and other essentials not covered by the health care system. It’s estimated RMHC programs save Canadian families $48.3 million in unexpected expenses related to their child’s illness each year1.

1RBC Economic Impact Report, 2019

Learn more about our impact
Emotional support

RMHC provides the supports of home so families can focus on healing their sick child.

RMHC gives parents a place to rest and recharge so they have  the strength to make decisions and care for their sick child and their family.

The need continues to grow.

Thanks to medical advances, more children are healing today than ever before. However, the healing journey is taking more treatments over longer periods of time, often taking families away from home for longer periods of time.

A family arrives on an RMHC doorstep every 20 minutes across Canada. And unfortunately, last year we had to turn away over 3000 families due to lack of space—that’s almost 10 families a day. Which is why we need to grow, so we can help even more families stay together when they need it most.

You can help keep more families together and close to their sick child in hospital