Victoria East McHappy Day Fundraiser
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Détails de l'événement:
11 mai 2022 | 06:00
924 Victoria Avenue East
Regina SK S4N7A9
McHappy Day is our longest-standing fundraiser that raises millions of dollars worldwide to go towards RMHC and other charities. On May 11th, our goal is to raise $10000 in donations to help Saskatchewan families stay together at the RMHC when they need it the most. We will be selling McDonald's merch such as t-shirts, socks, tote bags, and much more to help us accomplish our goal.
All food and beverage items support McHappy Day. From your favorite McMuffin, to a Big Mac, or even a cheeseburger! Whatever you usually order will support the RMHC or a local children's charity. Feel free to stop by and check it out! We are planning to go all out this year!
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