Integra Tire Nova Scotia Fundraiser
Objectif de la campagne
8 759 $
20 000 $
Objectif de la collecte de fonds
0 $
20 000 $

Je recueille 20 000 $ pour OMRM du Canada.
Fin : 7 janvier 2022
Integra Tire is raising funds for Ronald McDonald House charities to provide families with a home to stay near to their child in hospital, where their child is able to receive care they need with their family nearby to make their journey easier. Thank you for your help in supporting these families and their children.
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
Integra Tire FundraiserEnsemble, nous avons amassé 8 759 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 20 000 $
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds
Integra Tire Fundraiser
amassé 3 091 $
Integra Tire Alberta Fundraiser
amassé 1 125 $
Integra Tire British Columbia Fundraiser
amassé 1 450 $
Integra Tire Manitoba Fundraiser
amassé 675 $
Integra Tire Nova Scotia Fundraiser
amassé 0 $
Integra Tire Ontario Fundraiser
amassé 0 $
Integra Tire Saskatchewan Fundraiser
amassé 1 993 $
Integra Tire Yukon Fundraiser
amassé 425 $