Objectif de la campagne

475 $ 5 000 $
fundraiser image

Ensemble, nous amassons 5 000 $ pour OMRM de l’Alberta.

Fin : 1 juin 2021

Every year the Southern Alberta Zone LWML (Lutheran Women's Mission League) selects a charity to fundraise for at the Spring Rally. A new LWML member suggested we pick RMHC as her family was recently touched by the wonderful services RMHC provides. What a great idea! Here is her story: “I am inspired to support Ronald McDonald House because I got to witness first hand how much it can make a difference for families. On November 2, 2019, my nephew welcomed their beautiful baby boy into the world. Within 24 hours it was discovered that their sweet son had contracted a bacteria called Citrobacter, causing meningitis. It was shocking and life-altering news. They were rushed to the Children’s Hospital to undergo what would turn out to be months of medicine, brain surgeries and long worrying nights of uncertainty. Ronald McDonald House became their home away from home through a 6-month ordeal. Meals were cooked, daily living supplies were provided, and support was always available. Ronald McDonald House was a soft place to land when so many things were so hard. As a family, we saw how Ronald McDonald House helped them in a way that our family could not. It kept them together and close to their baby boy so they could see him at any hour and all hours. Although it was a terribly tough journey, Ronald McDonald House will always be a bright spot in the road to recovery for them. I was, and am now, even more, inspired to donate to this amazing place that supports families and their children so well. “

Historique des dons

18 mai 2021
Candice W donné 50 $

12 mai 2021
Gwenneth S donné 50 $

11 mai 2021
Holly S donné 50 $

7 mai 2021
Anonyme donné 100 $

28 avril 2021
Anonyme donné 25 $

6 avril 2021
Anonyme donné 200 $

Ensemble, nous avons amassé 475 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 5 000 $

Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds