Objectif de la campagne

91 713 $ 387 000 $

Soutien à l’objectif de la collecte de fonds

86 $ 5 000 $
fundraiser image

Je recueille 5 000 $ pour OMRM du sud-ouest de l'Ontario.

Fin : 13 juillet 2020

With the 2020 McHappy Day being postponed due to Covid-19, we are inviting all of you, our family and friends, to help us raise funds to support our local Ronald McDonald Houses in London and Windsor. It costs approximately $180 per night to accommodate 1 family. Our goal is to Help 28 families. We know its a tough time for many families during this pandemic so please feel free to only give what you can afford. Every little bit will help. Thank You in advance for your support for the families! 🙏🇨🇦

Historique des dons

1 mai 2020
George and Lois G donnĂ© 51 $

30 avril 2020
Spring R donnĂ© 35 $

Ensemble, nous avons amassĂ© 91 713 $ pour atteindre notre objectif 387 000 $

Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds

RMHC Southwestern Ontario - Help Families Find Comfort During COVID-19
  • The Ultimate Virtual McHappy Day for RMHSWO Right arrow
Total AmassĂ© 1 031 $
Support RMHCSCO Families
amassĂ© 20 534 $