Help Keep Elgin Middlesex Families Close like The Allchurch Family
Objectif de la campagne
Objectif de la collecte de fonds

Je collecte des fonds pour OMRM du sud-ouest de l'Ontario.
When Hendrix was just about 2 years old, unexplained fevers and a swollen foot led to many trips to the hospital without answers. As an active and healthy boy, maybe it was just a twist of some sort? However, a few weeks later, he awoke with a high fever, severe pain, and a knee so swollen he could not walk. His mother, Amy, rushed him back to the emergency department where she was informed that Hendrix would require surgery immediately. A single mother at the time, and during the height of Covid, Amy was left standing alone worrying if he would be okay. “During our stay, we were greeted daily by the Ronald McDonald House volunteers. They came to chat, brought some coffee & treats, and even some toys for Hendrix. This is when we realized the smallest things can brighten someone’s day.” After a diagnosis of a septic knee, around-the-clock care, and 2 weeks of isolation, Hendrix was able to rejoin his big sisters Layla and Lucy back at home! These days, Hendrix is thriving and excited to start school in September! While his scar reminds him of his time in the hospital, the positive impact RMH has made on their lives will last forever. “It has opened our eyes to the depths of stress – financial and emotional – parents go through when their child is sick or an emergency situation arises, how incredible children can heal when they are in supportive environments, and how just having a space where families can live a normal life while going through an abnormal situation, can make a difference.”
Cette collecte de fonds appuie :
McHappy Day 2023 - Keeping Families CloseContribuez à cette collecte de fonds.
Historique des dons
16 mai 2023
Karen M donné
25 $
10 mai 2023
Anonyme donné
20 $
10 mai 2023
Karen H donné
50 $
To Amy and your beautiful family, you are an inspiration of resilience and love.
10 mai 2023
Bonnie E donné
25 $
9 mai 2023
Brenda and Mark A donné
100 $
A huge “thank you” to the staff, all the volunteers, and every donor who makes the RMH a “safe haven” to parents, children and their families when an unexpected, life-altering tragic event is unfolding. The gifts this “home” provides are endless,…so much comfort, peace, support, hospital visits, resources, meals, snacks, etc. We are filled with gratitude for the kindness, support, and love extended to Amy, Hendrix, Layla and Lucy.
9 mai 2023
Connie F donné
25 $
9 mai 2023
Lindsey P donné
100 $
9 mai 2023
Craig S donné
250 $
8 mai 2023
Benson E donné
50 $
Ensemble, nous avons amassé 2 434 $ pour atteindre notre objectif
Équipes participant à cette collecte de fonds